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San Antonio Chapter Wins Free Market Medical Association 'Be a Beacon' Award

June 01, 20222 min read

San Antonio Chapter Wins Free Market Medical Association 'Be a Beacon' Award

Dr. Keith Smith, Dr. Roger Moczygemba, Antréa Ferguson, Shankar Poncelet, Jay Kempton at the Free Market Medical Association 2022 Annual Conference, Alternative Nation, where the San Antonio chapter was awarded the Be a Beacon Award for the Chapter of the Year, 2022 in Fort Worth, Texas at the Omni Fort Worth Hotel.

On May 13, 2022, the Free Market Medical Association bestowed the prestigious Be A Beacon Award to San Antonio Chapter Leaders Roger Moczygemba, MD and Shankar Poncelet, as well as to Historian Antréa Ferguson at the 2022 Annual Conference in Fort Worth, TX.

The Be A Beacon Award is received by individuals that have gone above and beyond in their support and promotion of the free market movement and the Free Market Medical Association. Recipients are also exclusively picked by the FMMA founders, Dr. Keith Smith and Jay Kempton. 

The significance behind this distinction indicates the recipients campaigned tirelessly for the free market movement, that they took every opportunity within their grasp to bring more attention to the need for the three pillars in healthcare and as a result, their efforts have earned them a rightful recognition. The San Antonio Chapter established relationships with successful like-minded individuals, hosted regular meetings with ranging topics from Direct Primary Care, creating a free market surgery center in San Antonio, price transparency, updated interested citizens through monthly newsletters, among a slew of other genuine efforts. 

The great work completed by the FMMA San Antonio Chapter is led by Dr. Roger Moczygemba who aims to enhance doctor-patient relationships while providing direct, accessible, transparent, affordable, high-quality primary care. He achieves this through Direct Primary Care which allows patients to overcome problems created by high premiums and high deductibles; this is the model he uses with patients at Direct Med Clinic, an enterprise he started. He states, “I am driven to provide high-quality medical care through innovative delivery models. Our great country has the best healthcare in the world, but our delivery system is out of balance evidenced by problems with access due to high costs for individuals and employers.” 

Dr. Moczygemba does not work alone, he is joined by Shankar Poncelet, entrepreneur and CEO of Shankx Web Development. With his vast knowledge in making digital products and understanding people, he leads a brilliant, full-service healthcare marketing team that uses stunning video and technology to tell stories backed by data and indignation. Mr. Poncelet combines his proficiency in web development and his passion for curing the American healthcare system through his role as co-leader in the San Antonio Chapter of the Free Market Medical Association. His duties entail strategically organizing networking events where key stakeholders can discuss changes happening within the Free Market movement in greater San Antonio and Texas.

Click the image above to watch the special moment!

Also, stay tuned for more information about our meeting on 8/4 at 7pm!​

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Shankar Poncelet

Shankar Poncelet serves as the co-leader of the San Antonio Free Market Medical Association. He is the proprietor of SHANKX, a branding agency.

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