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Diagram showing the distribution network for prescription drugs

Decoding the Complexity of Drug Prices

November 01, 20202 min read

This blog post was suggested by Harlon Pickett, President of our Gold Sponsor, Eagle Care Health Solutions.

The process of determining drug prices is far from straightforward. While the pricing of everyday products typically follows a simple supply chain, prescription drugs operate on a different level of complexity. This convoluted system has contributed to the soaring prices that burden consumers. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of drug pricing and shed light on the various actors involved in the process.

The Players in the Supply Chain:

At the heart of the drug pricing debate are several key players. Pharmaceutical companies, responsible for drug development, set the list price—the initial price of a drug. Wholesalers transport these drugs and sell them to pharmacies, who then bill the insurance company after the patient pays the copay. However, a crucial link is missing from this chain—the pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). PBMs act as intermediaries, working on behalf of insurance companies, employers, and government agencies to negotiate rebates with pharmaceutical companies.

Understanding Rebates:

The complex relationship between pharmaceutical companies and PBMs revolves around rebates. When a drug company sells a medication, they pay a rebate to the PBM. The PBM may retain a portion of the rebate while passing on the remainder to the insurance company or employer. Why pharmaceutical companies pay these rebates is a contentious issue. In return for higher rebates, the PBM moves the drug up the formulary—an insurance company's list of covered drugs, grouped into tiers. A higher placement on the formulary means lower copays for patients, which can lead to increased sales for the pharmaceutical company.

The Impact on Patients:

Ultimately, the patient bears the brunt of this intricate pricing system. The price they pay at the pharmacy counter is often based on the list price rather than the price negotiated after rebates. Patients without insurance, with high deductibles, or with coinsurance may find themselves paying the entire list price—a substantial financial burden. Moreover, the lack of transparency surrounding rebate data further complicates the situation. Pharmaceutical companies and PBMs consider this information proprietary, leaving patients in the dark about the true cost of their medications.


The complexity of drug pricing is a significant factor contributing to the escalating costs of prescription drugs. With multiple actors involved and a convoluted system of rebates and formulary placements, patients often find themselves paying exorbitant prices. As the debate continues, it becomes increasingly important to advocate for greater transparency and a simpler, more patient-centric approach to drug pricing. By demystifying this complex system, we can work towards a fairer and more affordable healthcare landscape for all.

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Shankar Poncelet

Shankar Poncelet serves as the co-leader of the San Antonio Free Market Medical Association. He is the proprietor of SHANKX, a branding agency.

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